Shit You Don't Learn in School
Shit You Don't Learn in School
81. Sprucing Up Your Space (Without Busting Your Budget)
You probably spend more time at home than anywhere else. And how you feel about that time is heavily influenced by the design and functionality of your space.
But how do you create a space that you truly enjoy? Unless you're an interior designer or have the resources to hire one, you may not know where to start and default to keeping things the way they are. That's okay, but what if you could make a few simple, affordable changes to enhance your experience at home?
In this episode, Cal and Steph discuss how a trip to Japan inspired them to spruce up their home after years of not giving this topic much thought. You'll learn about what they did, how they made decisions in a world of infinite choices, how much it cost, and other ideas that may give you a head start if you take on a similar project.
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