Shit You Don't Learn in School

63. The Best Sh*t We Learned in 2022!

Season 4

Each January, Steph and Cal sit down to reflect on the prior year and this one is no different. You'll find out their...

  1. Best New Idea
  2. Best New Life Hack
  3. Best New Experience
  4. Best/Worst Purchase
  5. Best/Worst Trend
  6. Best Personal Win/Accomplishment
  7. #1 Goal for Next Year
  8. Prediction for the New Year

Jumpstart 2023 by doubling down on the best activities and avoiding the worst. It's going to be an awesome year.

PS: If you liked the sound effects in this episode, we found them here.

PPS: Since Steph now works at a16z, please note that the content here is for informational purposes only; should NOT be taken as legal, business, tax, or investment advice or be used to evaluate any investment or security; and is not directed at any investors or potential investors in any a16z fund. For more details please see